We have all played all three roles in the bullying “system” – bully, target, and most frequently, bystander. While attention is focused on the bullies and targets, the bystander is often overlooked. That’s unfortunate, because the single most effective tool for stopping a bullying attack is intervention by bystanders. You might think that the bystanders …
Now Available! I’ve Got Your Back
Now Available! I’ve Got Your Back: Help Children Say Hello to Friends & Goodbye to Bullies
How can you protect children from being bullied? I’ve Got Your Backwill help you teach children the skills of positive, respectful friendships and resilient self-esteem. For parents, teachers, and all adults who work with children.
The Rise Of The Upstanders
Welcome To Guest Blogger Cheryl Jackson! Cheryl’s long and distinguished career as a journalist (you’ll recognize her most recently as the host of the TVO Parents show) plus her experience and empathy as the mother …
If Anti-Bullying Laws Aren’t The Solution, How Can Bullying Be Stopped??
In our recent blog post on Feb 20, 2013, I discussed why stronger anti-bullying laws are not the magic solution to bullying. Having the laws is a good idea, but the laws only kick in …
What Is Healthy Self-Esteem In Kids, And Why Is It Important?
Adults have spent much of the past 20 years in a misguided attempt to prop up kids’ self-esteem with over-inflated praise and under-inflated expectations. Self-esteem can only be increased by building confidence and competence, which …
Take the Anti-Bullying Challenge!
Bullying Prevention Awareness Month is over for this year in the United States. There was an outpouring of articles, observances, interviews, videos and other means of distributing the anti-bullying message during the month of October. …
Bystander Intervention Stops Bullying In Its Tracks, Part 1
- By Admin in Bullying Prevention, School Bullying
January 22, 2013
January 22, 2013
Permanent link to this article: https://bullyingepidemic.com/bystander-intervention-stops-bullying-in-its-tracks-part-1/
Lorna Blumen Radio Interview on Workplace Bullying
- By Admin in Bullying Epidemic In the Media, Workplace Bullying
January 15, 2013
January 15, 2013
Corporate Talk with Charlie and Eva is a radio program featuring Charlie Lobasco and Eva Lewandowski. Charlie is an author and the founder of the C.A.R.E. Network: Courage to take Action Relevant to Everyone. During his nearly forty years as a consultant and executive for Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies, he has developed a seminar entitled, “C.A.R.E. Certification in the Workplace” …
Permanent link to this article: https://bullyingepidemic.com/lorna-blumen-radio-interview-on-workplace-bullying/
Do Bullied Teens Develop PTSD?
- By Admin in Bullying Awareness
December 21, 2012
December 21, 2012
A new study from the University of Stavanger in Norway that was published recently in the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology suggests that as many as one-third of teenagers who are bullied may develop symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD can cause problems for the person who has been traumatized, such as: Flashbacks, or feeling like the …
Permanent link to this article: https://bullyingepidemic.com/do-bullied-teens-develop-ptsd/
How Can Parents Put a Stop to a School Hate Club?
- By Admin in Bullying Awareness
December 12, 2012
December 12, 2012
We recently received a query through Twitter asking Lorna’s advice about a “hate club”: “What is the best way to approach a situation where a boy starts a hate club against one girl and class joins – teacher’s aware.” That’s a tough issue for any parent to deal with, especially when the teacher is aware …
Permanent link to this article: https://bullyingepidemic.com/putting-a-stop-to-a-schoolhate-club/
No Safe Space: 50,000 Teens Talk About Bullying At School
- By Admin in Bullying Awareness, Bullying Prevention, School Bullying
December 3, 2012
December 3, 2012
In April of 2012, DoSomething.org partnered with the movie Bully to produce a Facebook app that would allow young people on Facebook to report their bullying experiences at school and share the results. This interactive application required the responses be tied to an existing school, and the school would be graded based on the student’s …
Permanent link to this article: https://bullyingepidemic.com/no-safe-space-50000-teens-talk-about-bullying-at-school/
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