20 Tips for Bully-Free Schools – Tip #20 Expect Mistakes We’re not perfect. Neither are our kids. Friendships & working relationships have the strengths & imperfections of the humans who created them. Encourage children to accept life – & people, including ourselves – with some imperfections (& review Tip #16: Apology & Forgiveness!). ************* …
Now Available! I’ve Got Your Back
Now Available! I’ve Got Your Back: Help Children Say Hello to Friends & Goodbye to Bullies
How can you protect children from being bullied? I’ve Got Your Backwill help you teach children the skills of positive, respectful friendships and resilient self-esteem. For parents, teachers, and all adults who work with children.
The Rise Of The Upstanders
Welcome To Guest Blogger Cheryl Jackson! Cheryl’s long and distinguished career as a journalist (you’ll recognize her most recently as the host of the TVO Parents show) plus her experience and empathy as the mother …
If Anti-Bullying Laws Aren’t The Solution, How Can Bullying Be Stopped??
In our recent blog post on Feb 20, 2013, I discussed why stronger anti-bullying laws are not the magic solution to bullying. Having the laws is a good idea, but the laws only kick in …
What Is Healthy Self-Esteem In Kids, And Why Is It Important?
Adults have spent much of the past 20 years in a misguided attempt to prop up kids’ self-esteem with over-inflated praise and under-inflated expectations. Self-esteem can only be increased by building confidence and competence, which …
Take the Anti-Bullying Challenge!
Bullying Prevention Awareness Month is over for this year in the United States. There was an outpouring of articles, observances, interviews, videos and other means of distributing the anti-bullying message during the month of October. …
Start the School Year Right! Bullying Prevention Tip #20
- By Admin in Bullying Prevention Tips
October 3, 2022
October 3, 2022
Permanent link to this article: https://bullyingepidemic.com/back-to-school-tip-20/
Start the School Year Right! Bullying Prevention Tip #19
- By Admin in Bullying Prevention Tips
September 30, 2022
September 30, 2022
20 Tips for Bully-Free Schools – Tip #19 Help Others: Community Service Adults teach children about care & empathy when we help others. Teach children to help within the community. Watch for opportunities to build, deliver, decorate, paint, read, tutor, visit, teach, or coach. Look for ways for kids to share their unique skills …
Permanent link to this article: https://bullyingepidemic.com/back-to-school-tip-19/
Start the School Year Right! Bullying Prevention Tip #18
- By Admin in Bullying Prevention Tips
September 29, 2022
September 29, 2022
20 Tips for Bully-Free Schools – Tip #18 Set Boundaries On Technology At Home Keep the Internet connection in a public family place. Have a family discussion to set limits: appropriate (& inappropriate) online behavior (echo & amplify school guidelines; review often!), daily time online, Facebook after homework, rules for cell phones at school …
Permanent link to this article: https://bullyingepidemic.com/back-to-school-tip-18/
Start the School Year Right! Bullying Prevention Tip #17
- By Admin in Bullying Prevention Tips
September 28, 2022
September 28, 2022
20 Tips for Bully-Free Schools – Tip #17 Balance Online & Face‐To‐Face Friendships Kids’ friendships today revolve around social networking, but it doesn’t replace or teach the skills of face‐to‐face friendships. Help kids develop both types of healthy peer relationships. Incorporate some group learning classroom activities. Discuss appropriate (& inappropriate) online behavior. At home, …
Permanent link to this article: https://bullyingepidemic.com/back-to-school-tip-17/
Start the School Year Right! Bullying Prevention Tip #16
- By Admin in Bullying Prevention Tips
September 27, 2022
September 27, 2022
20 Tips for Bully-Free Schools – Tip #16 Teach The Skills Of Apology, Accountability, Repair & Forgiveness People today view apology as weak. Just the opposite. It takes strength to face yourself in the mirror, take responsibility, & do the work needed to grow. Let kids sit with the discomfort of making mistakes. Don’t smooth …
Permanent link to this article: https://bullyingepidemic.com/back-to-school-tip-16/
I have worked in several bullying environments and your tools are spot on!
Thank you so much for coming to help my community. All the parents who attended your workshops are talking about it. Hope to continue working with you in the future.
“Bullying Epidemic: Not Just Child’s Play is a wonderful resource for parents, teachers, counselors, coaches, physicians, baby-sitters⎯ essential for anyone who cares for children!”
Your book has been an incredible resource as I travel around and speak at events. I have been able to feel confident in my statistics and knowledge thanks to you. I am inspired by your work and greatly appreciate your support.
Your New Living Magazine article on bullying and brain damage in children spoke to me and helped put things in perspective. I truly believe this is what happened to me. I just turned 40.
Your radio interview covered bullying from every angle – all the places it can occur, how to prevent it, how to deal with the bully, how to define it, how to form power circles, how to identify the environments to foster it.
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