Anti-bullying laws are like the out-of-bounds markers on a ski hill. They’ll catch you if you go seriously off course, but once you’ve gone that far, the damage is already done. The best line down the hill is considerably inside those markers. With bullying, pushing a child until they “almost” commit suicide might be technically …
Why Stronger Anti-Bullying Laws Aren’t The Answer
- By Lorna Blumen in Bullying Awareness, Bullying Prevention
February 20, 2013
February 20, 2013
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New Jersey Anti-Bullying Laws Upheld
- By Lorna Blumen in Bullying in the News, Cyberbullying, School Bullying
February 14, 2013
February 14, 2013
Here’s a follow–up story about New Jersey’s new anti-bullying laws, enacted in early 2010, in the wake of the tragic suicide death of Tyler Clementi, a freshman at Rutgers University. Parents from two New Jersey school districts recently challenged the new laws after their elementary school-aged children were disciplined for bullying behavior, in accordance with …
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Random Acts of Kindness Week (Feb 11-17, 2013)
- By Admin in Bullying Awareness, Bullying Prevention, Bullying Prevention Tips
February 12, 2013
February 12, 2013
Here’s a holiday we love to celebrate! Kindness brings out the best in everyone, especially when someone’s behaving badly. It’s easy to be kind when people are well-behaved, right? The challenge is when someone’s behavior is really trying my patience. When I can control my patience in the face of someone’s difficult behavior, I become …
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Join The Crowd! Bullying Prevention Dates You Should Know
- By Admin in Bullying Awareness, Kids and Teens Against Bullying
February 5, 2013
February 5, 2013
It’s exciting to see the huge groundswell of bullying prevention activities. Adults and kids alike are realizing how much power we each have to prevent and stop bullying. We are joining together and speaking up! Don’t be left behind! Here’s what’s coming up. If these events are not yet in your home area, bring them! …
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Bystander Intervention Stops Bullying In Its Tracks, Part 2
- By Admin in Bullying Prevention, School Bullying
January 29, 2013
January 29, 2013
Despite intervention being the single most effective tool for stopping a bullying attack, is it safe to encourage children to step up and protect one another? In today’s school and community environments, there can be real danger for a child bystander who intervenes without genuine, sustained support from peers or adults. It would take a …
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Your New Living Magazine article on bullying and brain damage in children spoke to me and helped put things in perspective. I truly believe this is what happened to me. I just turned 40.
Thank you so much for coming to help my community. All the parents who attended your workshops are talking about it. Hope to continue working with you in the future.
Your radio interview covered bullying from every angle – all the places it can occur, how to prevent it, how to deal with the bully, how to define it, how to form power circles, how to identify the environments to foster it.
I have worked in several bullying environments and your tools are spot on!
“Bullying Epidemic: Not Just Child’s Play is a wonderful resource for parents, teachers, counselors, coaches, physicians, baby-sitters⎯ essential for anyone who cares for children!”
Your book has been an incredible resource as I travel around and speak at events. I have been able to feel confident in my statistics and knowledge thanks to you. I am inspired by your work and greatly appreciate your support.
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