Hockey Violence on Thin Ice

Hockey Hall of Famers Bobby Orr and Ken Dryden are in a faceoff. They’re on opposite sides of the line on hockey violence. Orr says there’s a place for fighting in junior leagues and NHL hockey. He argues that the so-called “enforcers” who draw blood serve as a deterrent to those tempted to injure stars …

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Good Reads: Children’s Stories of Acceptance

One of my favorite childhood bedtime books was Gabrielle and Selena by Peter Desbarats. It’s the story of two girls who swap identities. Gabrielle goes to Selena’s home and Selena goes to Gabrielle’s. Their parents go along, calling Gabrielle “Selena” and vice versa. In the end, the girls realize they prefer being their true selves, …

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The Bus Bullying Stops Here

The big yellow school bus is such a cheerful sight, it’s hard to imagine that it can be a one-way trip to Bully Town. But with just one adult in charge (a driver with her hands full holding the steering wheel), that’s exactly what it can be. Maybe the target is the bus driver himself, …

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When Sibling Rivalry Gets Ugly

If you have the average 2.2 children, you probably have 2.2 times the interfamily conflict: a.k.a. sibling rivalry. Those of us with siblings all have stories to tell – for better or worse. My brother and I got along pretty well, mainly because he’s seven years younger and spent most of his childhood outside. My …

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October is National Bullying Prevention Month

Welcome to National Bullying Prevention Month. Let’s move forward, with all adults and kids, to make this our most bully-free year ever – in our homes, schools, workplaces, and communities (including on TV!). Adults must lead the way for kids. Say “no” to bullying. Be an upstander. Behave yourself online. Be kind, especially when someone’s …

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