The new school year is an opportunity for parents and teachers to put fresh emphasis on bullying prevention by supporting the development of healthy social groups and friendships. Here are some daily tips for getting the school year off to a good start. These “press the reset button” ground rules also work well at the …
Now Available! I’ve Got Your Back
Now Available! I’ve Got Your Back: Help Children Say Hello to Friends & Goodbye to Bullies
How can you protect children from being bullied? I’ve Got Your Backwill help you teach children the skills of positive, respectful friendships and resilient self-esteem. For parents, teachers, and all adults who work with children.
The Rise Of The Upstanders
Welcome To Guest Blogger Cheryl Jackson! Cheryl’s long and distinguished career as a journalist (you’ll recognize her most recently as the host of the TVO Parents show) plus her experience and empathy as the mother …
If Anti-Bullying Laws Aren’t The Solution, How Can Bullying Be Stopped??
In our recent blog post on Feb 20, 2013, I discussed why stronger anti-bullying laws are not the magic solution to bullying. Having the laws is a good idea, but the laws only kick in …
What Is Healthy Self-Esteem In Kids, And Why Is It Important?
Adults have spent much of the past 20 years in a misguided attempt to prop up kids’ self-esteem with over-inflated praise and under-inflated expectations. Self-esteem can only be increased by building confidence and competence, which …
Take the Anti-Bullying Challenge!
Bullying Prevention Awareness Month is over for this year in the United States. There was an outpouring of articles, observances, interviews, videos and other means of distributing the anti-bullying message during the month of October. …
Bullying Prevention: Start The School Year Off Right! Tip #1
- By Admin in Anti-Bullying Infographics, Bullying Awareness, Bullying Prevention Tips, School Bullying
September 21, 2012
September 21, 2012
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The Problem with Adult Workplace Bullying
- By Admin in Workplace Bullying
September 17, 2012
September 17, 2012
. Bullying flourishes in the workplace, often because childhood bullies grow up to be . . . adult bullies! Long-standing bullies are promoted and elected to positions of authority and power as managers, and long-standing bullied targets and bystanders go along, look the other way, and make rationalizing excuses for the recurrent outbursts and their …
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Meet Lizzie – Powerful, Inspirational Message about Withstanding Bullying
- By Admin in Bullying Awareness, Guest Authors Share About Bullying
September 14, 2012
September 14, 2012
Have you “met” Lizzie Velasquez? She was born with a rare medical condition where she has no adipose tissue on her body (she weighs 60 lbs. as a young adult). She has been called “the world’s ugliest woman” and been mercilessly bullied. Her “It Gets Better” video about withstanding bullying is quite powerful, and the opposite …
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Bullying Prevention: Be Less Critical
- By Admin in Bullying in the News
September 9, 2012
September 9, 2012
It’s very easy to step over the line into bullying by being hypercritical, especially of athletes, celebrities, or anyone daring to rock the boat, take a stand, be different, or put themselves out there. Christina Pesoli reminds us to put boundaries on our critical natures, and while she’s writing for an audience of parents, her …
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Bullying: It’s All About Respect
- By Admin in Bullying in the News
September 5, 2012
September 5, 2012
Since the first grade, Nadia Ilse’s peers tormented her about her ears sticking out. During a four-hour surgery, a surgeon pinned her ears back, performed work on her jawline, and fixed a deviated septum. The estimated $40,000 surgery was paid for by the Little Baby Face charity (learn more here). While on the surface this donation …
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