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Now Available! I’ve Got Your Back

Now Available! I’ve Got Your Back: Help Children Say Hello to Friends & Goodbye to Bullies
How can you protect children from being bullied? I’ve Got Your Backwill help you teach children the skills of positive, respectful friendships and resilient self-esteem. For parents, teachers, and all adults who work with children.

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Multi-Talented Jen Unbe Speaks Out – & Sings Out – Against Bullying

We recently caught up with Jen Unbe, who wrote the song Bully. We love her talents and energy, and her deep compassion. We want to introduce her to you as an example of someone whose creative drive has helped her keep pushing to grow, while her empathy and compassion keep her connected to and helping others

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Bullying Prevention Tips for the New Year

Bullying prevention specialist Lorna Blumen and the team have tools to stop bullying in its tracks. The bullying prevention guidelines we set at the beginning of school can reduce the time spent on discipline for the entire year. January’s a great time to press the “re-set” button on a new term. The benefits: fewer discipline …

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The 10 Commandments of Social Media Use

By Guest Blogger: Anne Rucchetto Online socializing has become an integral part of daily life, for everyone from elementary school kids to retired seniors. We can socialize and connect online in ways that are more available, accessible, and varied than ever. Websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr provide a platform for our thoughts and …

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When Adults Are To Blame

What happens when the bully of a teen is not a peer but instead an adult who should know better? A teen reader recently asked us for help dealing with constant put-downs from the mother of another teen in one of her after-school activities. What can a teen to do to stop the bad behavior of an adult?

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