Category: Bullying Prevention
We recently caught up with Jen Unbe, who wrote the song Bully. We love her talents and energy, and her deep compassion. We want to introduce her to you as an example of someone whose creative drive has helped her keep pushing to grow, while her empathy and compassion keep her connected to and helping others
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What happens when the bully of a teen is not a peer but instead an adult who should know better? A teen reader recently asked us for help dealing with constant put-downs from the mother of another teen in one of her after-school activities. What can a teen to do to stop the bad behavior of an adult?
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This week, caught up with Katie Robinette, Executive Director of Healthy Minds Canada. Katie’s diverse experience in behind-the-scenes politics and campaigns, coupled with her interests in corporate social responsibility, philanthropy, and mental health, left her eager and well-prepared to step into the job at HMC, a Canadian charity that raises awareness about mental illness …
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What do creativity and self-esteem have to do with bullying prevention? A lot. Creativity and self-esteem are directly linked. They’re both essential for problem-solving. And bullying prevention is all about solving problems – from pre-school to the workplace. Targets of bullying suffer from low self-esteem more frequently than bullies themselves. If you want to inoculate …
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The big yellow school bus is such a cheerful sight, it’s hard to imagine that it can be a one-way trip to Bully Town. But with just one adult in charge (a driver with her hands full holding the steering wheel), that’s exactly what it can be. Maybe the target is the bus driver himself, …
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